Saturday, May 16, 2009

Completing The Story

Say there, Lovey Dovey, how about a little duck duck goose? Dear Angelina Hart's been out and about filming- thought you might like to see what the geese have been up to too...
Okay! So here we go with these cute little cherubs. The orange rose there is copied from my new friend, Dirk, and his "San Fran Rose" painting. Here's his website. Dirk's been telling me all kinds of stuff about his research of the Gnostic Gospels and whatnot. He said if somebody does LSD they'd understand the Book of Revelation a lot better. I asked, "You think that'd be a good idea?" "Absolutely not. But if one were to take it one would learn a lot about the Book of Revelation." He just turned 76.

The other night on Facebook I was looking at pictures of my sorority friends- they had a big get-together in Charleston. And I thought to myself, "Aww. They're so pretty and normal and well-balanced." I didn't get invited to the get-together, and I thought, "Man, now I'm just too weird to be around." And later that day I was like, "No! I'm totally normal! I wear high heels! And I have great hair!" Right after that I was conversing on whether or not Jesus was a bisexual hippy. And that's when I realized, that in fact, there's no hope in the normal arena. Is a lost cause. That's okay...
Yes, I Believe In Me!
So You Believe In You!
Here are the little angels in the middle of the piece. It's a portrait of Katie and me when we were 4 and 3 years. Almost there on this part- I'm going to add some gold paint to the wings.
So... I'm completing The Story right now. Am I excited about it? You betcha.

Completing this piece also completes the Her Good Heart DVD- a movie of our One Night Show this past November. It is awesome.


Anonymous said...

It is completion in the story time passes away and it's darkened smoke clears...we will see just how AMAZING in All are always right on!

Brava Beauty!

That look on your face? ;)

Shannon said...

Thank you. :)

I know- what a stinker face. I am pissed off about painting this painting again, having to apply my now eyes to a structure I created with my seven-months-ago eyes.

Am letting my imagination move around within what I've already done... kind like... make it a new painting while being the same painting? yeah.

Anonymous said...

You know I spent over a week painting some fabric, I was filled with joy in being with it as it flowed, washed it and most of the color faded! Duh! I used water color instead of acrylic! The foundation was created in heart and meaning, but now as I am going over it, that foundation, means more to me. Your seven months ago eyes still resonate such profound truths, I just know what your 'Now' eyes perceive will more beautifully enhance, not erase. It is amazing Shannon, maybe even more than your now eyes see! My experience often shows that hindsight grows even greater in accepting what we feel we have grown past, like an important part of the weave, anyway, hope ya get my meanin'! ;D lol

Shannon said...

Ah... so sweet :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Gold is perfect for those precious wings, wish you could dab a little this way! Love how you convey such true twinkling
innocence, soooooo sweet :)

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous children!! The dark haired one is angelic....

Shannon said...

Yeah... she smells a little funny but we love her anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ma ma se, ma ma sa, ma ma coo sa,
ma ma se, ma ma sa, ma ma coo sa...
hmmmmmm, I wonder if high wedge embroidered esparadrilles count as 'normal' heels? Dig the Orange Roses!

Rock On Beauty!

Anonymous said...

Now that's news to honk about...I'm sure Harold & Myrtle are singin' bout' it...
Awesome footage!

Shannon said...

Mmhmm. Angelina and birds fly along together. She's always got a new picture of them doing something amazing or cute.