The Sioux woman is named Laura Owns the Fire. Her picture was taken (like her land, language, and culture) by white guys just before World War One.
The painting isn't exactly real- what with the white lion who doesn't actually live in the wild anymore. White men shot them. Then there's the San Pedro flower- the American guy that grows and ships that to people just got raided and jailed by our federal government. Then there's Laura Who Owns the Fire- who knows where her line is now- what with the 22 battles between the US and the Sioux. Probably dead. Then there's the frog- one of those mass extinction species on account of water pollution. But we still have the Sun! And Brother is he workin' it. I hear even in Alabama they saw the auroras this week. From spaceweather: "The sun is waking up from one of the deepest solar minima in a century, and the solar cycle seems to be rapidly gaining strength. Forecasters expect a new "Solar Max" in 2012-2013 with plenty of aurora storms between now and then. Stay tuned."
Do indeed!
Aaahhh your tapped in creative flow grows ever more exquisite Shan, tis beautiful...can't say as much for the Human fact sheet...gotta keep the faith that underneath it all we ain't human afterall...but so much more. lol
Aww~ you always butter the biscuits! Thanks buddy. Yeah here's to the so much more!
This is a wonderful post! I liked it very much. Chicago Movers
Great post and fabulous painting.
ih wawwwwwwwwwwwww
Post is preaty good!!!
So beautiful pictures...I like them very much....Thank's author for this post:)
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