Here's my new lady! This is the first rose bloom this year and I am so tickled! She smells wonderful! Heeeeeere's Madame Hardy's debut bloom! This morning I was thinking... what could be a better gift than adoring life and creation so much that it just rolls in ecstasy from our total attention? Everything a happy dog that wants its belly rubbed with our love. We love us!
(cool how Madame 'Hardy' didn't have to DO anything, she knows even her thorns are pretty, their probably what blessed and bestowed her with her name...she's on a roll!)
Magnificent unfolding...
blossoming ecstacy Arose!
(cool how Madame 'Hardy' didn't have to DO anything, she knows even her thorns are pretty, their probably what blessed and bestowed her with her name...she's on a roll!)
You Grow Love, Beauty!
We Appreciate You! <3
Um...she really is ruffled in soft sumptuousness... she must smell so intoxicately delicious! Feeling thanks for inspiring us...
In-Joy her!
...Doh!...intoxicate-tingly, yeah that's it, tingly all over! All this ecstacy is so exciting... lol
Haha!~ YEAH! Yes she is buttery ruffle lemon linen exquisite!
Oh...and that darling Madame smelled Divine! Mingled with the fresh air holding rain in the clouds...and the tiny bumble bee expired from ecstasy.
Can't someone design a camera that captures more than just the image?
Design me a camera that captures what is quintessential...the vibration: how about a Third Eye Camera?!
I think that's what they call an Angelina: captured light, vibration, scent, and beauty. Pretty sure that's the name of it.
Angel in a Heart Came-RA ;)
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