Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Recipe and other Random Bits

Cabbage: it's not just for stinking up your house. Check out the new raw-ish recipe here!

My good friend and college housemate Tammy used to make cabbage once a week. We'd all come home one by one with the same question. "Hey! You guys! What's that... smell?" And then you'd hear Tammy yell from the kitchen, "Sorry! It's the cabbage! It'll be done soon!" The house we lived in was an old Victorian painted purple. The upstairs bathtub sagged into the downstairs ceiling, and we would often philosophize on whether or not, when the bathtub finally fell into the living room, we'd be able to fall down with it unscathed. I mean, since the drain backed up as you showered you knew your weight pared with the water weight was only asking for further sagging trouble. Do you think you could hang on to the shower curtain rod? What? Naw, then you'd be naked and soapy holding onto a metal pole over a gaping hole in the floor! Better chances for surfing the bathub down. Maybe you'd have time to leap out and hold onto the toilet as it all collapsed? Anyway! Cabbage and such. I've recently gotten fired up about eating cabbage raw. Do you know that it is the only vegetable that doesn't house parasites of any kind? Good vegetable. Aja taught me to slice it really thin and just eat it with lettuce in salads. Yum!

Today I've been collecting raw food recipes. Right now I don't want to eat cookified food. I'm sure it was pass though and I'll ask if you'd please pass the baked potato. In the meantime, if I discover some real winning recipes that are easy, I'll share them with you. Tomorrow I'm trying some kind of mint chocolate chia seed thing! What? Yes!

These days I am working on the 2010 calendar. But I'm not gonna show you all I've got because I want your 2010 calendar to be a luscious surprise! So that when you open it you're like ooooh and ahhhh. Just like that! Today Roger and I talked up some tweeks on the DVD of the Her Good Heart show. We're getting close! So soon I'll have a video to share with you. Now I gotta make like a tree and leaf!


Suzette said...

Big smile here.
You are delightful!

Shannon said...

Thank you, Suzette!
Right back at you, Sunshine!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how many garlic scapes I've grown unawares...
thanks for cluing me in!
Magnetic Fields is new for me too, raw food and those songs are quite a combo!(...have you been hittin' the sauce Bella?) ;)

Unknown said...

I think the worst was when I took my cooked cabbage on a road trip. Thanks for the purple house memories. Man I miss that summer.

Shannon said...

me too