"In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview about peace. 38 years later, Jerry has produced a film about it..."
(I closed my eyes to hear what he says.)
"Look at it long enough,
it's all there."
It's all given...
sooo cool Shannon! :D
Yeah!!!! Awesome stuff!
I am not sure I heard anything about being ' indifferent'. I'm gonna try to be indifferent about the next rainstorm that soaks me. I am smiling just thinking about that soaking! Or imaging being indifferent about that pile of scat I just stepped in, instead of truly wondering what kind of SCAT is it?
Does that animal bring a covert message to bare? did it visit me in my dreams last night? I feel different, fur sure. Week 5 .
Love to you ALL
Seven, thank you for visiting and commenting.
Just to be clear, I'm not interested in "weeks" or any description of any person's personal emotional processing. Please don't use my blog as a forum for that. Thank you.
Completely understand. Thank you.
Thank you! Much appreciate. :)
My poem on oxygen:
I breathe in molecules as ageless
As Herodotus
Butterfly perched drinking nectar
Moving air as old as the pyramids
Dust as free as time itself
Breathe in druid song and dance
Breathe in Mesopotamian cows
Breathe in African dust
Breathe in Lao Tzu’s exhalation
Breathe in worm in dark soil
Breathe in white egret circling to land on horse
You are the quiet god
Feeding us all.
Oooo. Thank you, Margo!
Is beautiful!
Marguritte! W~*~*~*O~*~*~*W...
Shannon, do you feel how you inspire us?
In-spire-ing, spiraling upward...
love is like oxygen.
'oxiansib' !
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